Writing A Book Is The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me
Hey there, how is everyone holding up? All’s well here and I hope to be even better after writing this blog. So, in today’s literary journey I am going to reveal, rather talk about an experience of mine. And that is talking, actually sharing my experience of writing this book.
I say this not based on what my friends, family or reviewers have said, I say this because I feel good writing a book. Good would probably be an understatement, I have to say that I feel on top of the world, and believe me I am not exaggerating anything. Ever since I was a child, I was drawn towards books, I wouldn’t care if my closet was full, or if I looked the best in my surroundings- all I would care about would be getting the memberships of all the libraries in my neighbourhood.
As I would visit a library, I’d be absolutely mesmerised and awestruck by the aroma of the books, especially if they were old ones, and I would always ponder about the people that wrote these books. Looking at the librarians or the ones that’d be in charge of the library, I’d think that they were perhaps the luckiest people on earth — ones that could spend their entire day around books.
In the libraries and book clubs, I always admired how the books are stacked, labelled and properly placed in sections, as per their genre, and what intrigued me more were the signs, mostly resembling arrows that reveal what genre of the book is kept where and I just keep staring, wondering and daydreaming.
When I was a little girl I had this poem in school that talked of the lives of the poets and writers and very uncannily it said that these literary people have always led two lives — one when they were mortals here on earth and the other one is when they’ve departed from this world, but are still alive in the hearts of countless people here on earth. The poem further noted that every time one recites or talks about their creations, it feels as if they get alive all over again.
How very wonderful that sounds, isn’t it? Things were the same for me and as days passed by, I realised that I was absolutely smitten by the lives of the authors and it always occurred to me how did they manage to write a book? Like a whole book? As I grew a little older I began getting close to the lives of these people and continued mesmerising myself. Days passed, I took a knack towards writing and began writing blogs over a period of around 5 years and counting.
Slowly slowly I realised that writing is what I’d want to do for the rest of my life as this is what interests me the most, then as I began writing and sketching some characters in my head, I realised that this could be better turned and released in the form of a book. And, so began my voyage of being an author, making me realise yet again that this is my true calling, and this is what I hold true to my heart.
I’d say that I am lucky enough to get my work published and after this Canadian publisher took up my work, I was on cloud nine. There were a tsunami of calls, messages and good wishes, but what made me truly happy was the fact that the book was complete and now when I write this blog I can very well say that writing a book is the best thing that ever happened to me.
In case you want a sneak peek of my book, you can get it here. Happy reading!