Work With Detachment
Controlling the mind seems to be the most daunting task, isn’t it? I can very well vouch for the fact that it is so in my case. We see that in the Bhagavad Gita that Arjuna complains to Shree Krishna that it has become very difficult for him to take the reins of his mind, as it refuses to listen to him, and he is just perplexed to act as if he is in no control of the mind.
Note what’s interesting here is the fact that Shree Krishna on hearing this does not criticise or disown the fact that our minds cannot be controlled, in fact, he acknowledged this and said that with proper training and dedication the mind can be controlled. And, one of the key determinants for controlling the mind is to work with detachment.
Does that mean you will not focus on your job and perform things just half-heartedly, no, definitely not! Just in my last blog, I talked about how and why we must work at all times with tremendous focus and concentration. If you notice minutely you will see that working with focus and rapt attention means that you are dedicating 100% of your energy to your work. At this juncture, you are so immersed in the process that you hardly remember your problem — physical, mental or financial.
Leave apart problems, you don’t recall anything else apart from the thing at hand, which means that you are acting in the present moment. See, where am I going with this? Detachment teaches us the same thing that we must work with dignity, and the moment we pull our minds from the work, we must not attach ourselves anymore to it.
Bhagwan Krishna further elucidates in the Bhagavad Gita that all of us must perform our actions with detachment — meaning we must have the knowledge and courage to do the right thing just for the sake of doing it, as that it is something which needs to be done, and we must never ever think about success and failure, in fact, Krishna tells us to treat both success and failure equally.
What can be the purpose of leading such a life? Is it at all fruitful? The answer to both is a hefty yes, and you will see that you can operate from a space of power now, with no regrets whatsoever. You will not be very happy if things go your way, and you will never ever be shattered if you fail.
You will be able to manifest so much power within yourself that nothing will ever seem to be daunting to you. There is a saying in India that when you have to cut open a jackfruit, you must always oil your hands well so that they don’t get stuck; and just like that when you are acting in this world, the experts say that you act oiling and greasing yourself with the oil of detachment, and slowly you will see everything going your way.
I will take the opportunity to end this blog with a powerful quotation from Swami Vivekananda where he says, “Power will come, glory will come, goodness will come, purity will come and everything that is excellent will come when the sleeping soul is roused to self-conscious activity. “
May we all reach that goal soon enough. Much love to all.