Why Did I Choose To Write Fiction
Heya fam, how are you all holding up? Hope all’s good and I am fine too, by your good wishes. So, as most of you would know that my debut novel “The Chronicles of Mumbai” has been launched and I have decided to take y’all through this literary trip, so that y’all get to walk the journey along with me and find out about the various emotions/experiences an author goes through when when they are writing a book/novel. Again, this is subject to perspective and this is my own experience and of course it may vary from person to person.
So, for today’s blog I am going to be talking about choosing the topic of writing my debut novel — fiction. So, why did I choose fiction? So, if you’d go through my novel, you’d discover that in my acknowledgement I mentioned something like this. “Fiction gives you the liberty to travel seas, trek mountains and sip on an unending supply of frappes…” Well, there you have it, and it’s mostly because of the same reasons that I chose to write fiction.
And also, I felt that writing fiction is really easy, it’s here that you get to paint with various shades of your choice on your canvas — one that’s going to have a form one day and one that’s going to be read by multiple people, so while you are here, you must take every opportunity to seize your moment.
Something similar happened to me as well. I decided to put all of that I had inside of me through, that would gradually take the shape of my novel and only fiction could have given me the liberty to do that. Well, imagine you are writing non-fiction, perhaps a book on finance, or let’s say one that binds historical time. Just think about the level of accuracy you have to put up with, you gotta make sure that all of the details that you put in are correct and you also have to be careful to put in all the facts as is, of course none of us want to be sued, right?
I can safely declare here that I lucked out and I didn’t have to be that careful when it came to writing, as I didn’t have to bog myself down unnecessarily with facts and figures, I could just keep on writing no matter what and till the point my fingers allowed me too. And I did exactly that. Stretching from the shores of Mumbai to the ever busy, rumbling sounds of Wall Street, I just kept writing and writing, not knowing when to stop.
In this novel, I have talked of romance, philosophy, nihilism, stoicism, and even have sought help in religious scriptures to make my plot stronger and I repeat here that only fiction could have given me that liberty to be so free, to be so refreshing and jovial in my tasks. And you know what? This whole process of writing a book was fun and enjoyable to me, I didn’t feel like I was fatigued or that this is some random task that I have to check off my list. Again, it was fiction that gave me wings to fly and taught me to enjoy the whole process. And, I couldn’t have been luckier and happier.
To those that have gotten a copy of my book, asked me to sign it for them and in most of them I wrote “May you get to believe in fiction and may fiction give you the wings to fly.” I still abide by this and hold this belief fiction let’s soul free, not sure what other form of writing does that.
In my next blog, I shall be talking about how I chose the plot and the characters of my novel, so I’ll get to that soon. Meanwhile, enjoy your rest of the day and if you haven’t gotten a copy of my book yet, you can get it here.