Vedantasara Diaries
Those of you that have followed my previous blogs would definitely be abreast of my increased interest in philosophy. Though I did mention earlier that a lot has been going on in my life, yet the only thing I find worthy of writing is philosophy and the lectures that I have been attending for the past few days.
Now, to be honest, when I began attending lectures on this particular book called Vedantasara, I was a little perplexed, as all throughout the book, all we are told are definitions, and in the initial days, it got me thinking that if we are supposed to read definitions, why not just buy a basic book on definitions?
However, little did I know that the book would be the epitome of knowledge, and how important is it for a novice like me to get myself acquainted with these philosophical terms. Now, this book enlightens the concept of mistaking the rope to be the snake, and similarly the average human mistakes Brahman, the ultimate reality to be the universe.
The author further elaborates that the universe is made of three worlds — the subtle, gross and causal. The causal part consists of Anandamaya Kosha, with the subtle consisting of the Vigyanmaykosha, Manomayakosha and Pranamaya Kosha. Then, we were told about the subtle world that consists of 19 parts, which are five sense organs, five motor organs, five pranas and four elements like the Man, Buddhi, Chitta and Ahankara.
Today, we were introduced to the concepts of 14 worlds — seven hells and seven heavens. Right now, we are in the lowest of the heavens, where there is a lot of suffering but the experts say that the sufferings are what drive us towards our spiritual voyage.
And perhaps I don’t disagree there, as I can faithfully say that it’s through all of my sufferings that this yearning for knowledge of the Self has arisen. Right now, I do have to say very neutrally, I’d say that nothing seems to astonish me anymore, whether it’s an extreme success, or failure, happiness or sorrow.
Even though I am acutely aware that this is too early to make such a comment, maybe I can see a ray of hope out here. Right now, the only difficulty that arises out here is staying forever in the knowledge of the Self. Sometimes it does appear to me that in this daily hustle-bustle I somehow tend to get carried away, thus forgetting my true nature.
How do I stay established in that learning forever? How can I help myself out? Through more meditation — rather Nididhyasana?