Unwavering Faith Is What Keeps Me Going
Hello there, my dear readers, how is this day treating you so far? Are you enjoying hump day? Did you accomplish anything great yet or are expecting to? Or did you manage to hit the ball straight out of the park?
Not yet? Well, well, don’t you worry, I am just happy to learn that you have been putting in so much effort and have not given up yet. It is this unwavering faith within one that keeps us going, and that (faith) is what I want to discuss today.
As y’all would know the past few days I have been talking about self-development and progress, and sometimes I have talked about such goals that sound almost impossible to achieve. Yes, they sound absolutely imaginary and are bound to fail, but never in my life have I second-guessed or doubted myself.
Yes, there were times when I would get hurt, be broken and be utterly disappointed by the way people would treat me, insanely tired of rejections, and would feel absolutely defeated, but somehow would manage to crawl back and stand on my feet again. On most nights I would find myself wailing and would weep myself off to sleep, but would somehow manage to dust myself off and set forth.
Guess it was this faith that was acting. One of my favourite monks Swami Vivekananda would tell us to keep tremendous faith in ourselves, one that cannot be shaken under any circumstances…
Most days I would just find myself lost, with no one to talk to and nowhere to go. On these occasions, I would just try and look inwards within myself, sit before God, and ask for strength and courage to realise my goals. Sure, it took its own time, but things came to pass and I could see light at the end of the day.
Now, I operate from such a juncture where in mind I act as if I have to take action without worrying about its implications, successes or failures. Also, I am not afraid to fail anymore as there’s nothing called true failure, it’s all a learning phase.
I have also kind of given a dare to myself which is to say that no matter how hard, worse or ugly a particular situation is I try and tell myself that I am going to turn out victorious from this, and have stopped blaming myself when things go wrong. Instead, I have filled my mind with the thought that shout I can and will make it.
I get this inner strength from within, and it is this unwavering faith that has given me wings to fly, dodge bullets, stand up, dust myself off the ground and fight back again. So, many people on Earth have done it successfully so. If they can do it, so can you. Just take the leap of faith and keep going.
Till we meet again, and till then keep rocking and being the amazing awesome self that you are.