Treating Others As The Most Important As Ever
Hi, there folks! How is everyone holding up? It feels amazing to be writing this blog on the first working day of the New Year and nothing will make me happier than wishing you a very Happy and prosperous New Year.
I sincerely hope that all your wishes come true and may you have the most wonderful year ever. As always, I intend to dedicate this blog towards positivity, with a touch of spirituality. You know it appears to me that meditation has a deep (positive) effect on individuals, at least it does on me.
Yesterday, I had the privilege to visit a meditation centre and I had kinda vowed inside that I will devote the entire and the maximum amount of time to deep meditation, and honestly I could. I was contemplating life, displaying attitudes of gratefulness over the past year, expecting huge clouds of positivity for the New Year.
I have to be honest here and say that things were indeed perfect when I got to meditate. It felt as if there is this calmer version of me that has the answer to all questions, I call it my little refuge where I feel very comfortable and safe.
A little while after I began scrolling through the Internet and looking for some videos that were meditative and feel-good ones. YouTube suggested videos by Earl Nightingale where he talked about taking up a 30-day challenge. Yesterday being the 1st of January I thought maybe I could take up a challenge for myself.
So, the challenge said that we got to treat everyone, irrespective of their age, gender or stature as though they were the most important people in our lives. I get that this might seem to be a little hard to believe at first but for sure it made sense when I listened to the whole of the video.
Nightingale mentioned that through this practice where we are treating everyone with love and respect, and we are unknowingly building upon ourselves a habit and we are putting out positive energies in the future, meaning we are ensuring that all the positive vibrations that we are sending out will be reflected back to us somewhere in the near future.
He mentioned that everyone loves to be treated with respect and love. And, when we are being that person who is showering love and respect on whoever we do interact with, we are building up a habit in ourselves slowly and this is going to help us in the long run. Yesterday, while at the meditation centre I had an opportunity to talk to a lot of people and during my short visit, I tried interacting with people and making them feel very important.
I might have tripped for a short while, but have decided to keep firm faith in myself and I know I will make it. So, if it is you reading my post now, know that you are the most important person to me now, and I care deeply about your well-being.
May you all be happy and may peace be upon everyone. Until next time.