The Self Is All I Have
Hello my dear readers, how are you? It is an amazing day here today, also I feel extra recharged as I just came back from a long walk, pretty cool, huh? You bet. Since I am in this happy mood I have decided to sit down and write this blog down for y’all.
This is still that time of the year when we are looking forward to wonderful times ahead, making resolutions and expecting or showering love. The same is the case with me as well, although this time I have decided not to take another resolution if I cannot fulfil it. Instead, I have decided to love and rely. Not on anyone else but myself, just myself.
Our ancient scriptures state that it is the Self which is real and everything else is false, or just a show. Shakespeare also acknowledged this when he said that all the world’s a stage and we are all just mere actors in it. Actually, one of the ancient Rishis in India Gaudapada also had the same opinion.
Gaudapada would even say that we worry needlessly about things of the world, the material things and turn our and others’ lives into turmoil. Standing at this juncture of my life I can say that he was right about that. However, we are still people of flesh and blood, and emotional beings who crave love, support and company.
But, think of it for a moment, do we need it really? I mean is it something without which you would die? Perhaps not, you will survive, and may even fare better than the others, but then again who really wants to travel the tough route, right?
So, what do we have now? Nothing but the Self, the Self which remained with us during our highs, lows and forever. It is the only thing that we can bank upon. Let me share another anecdote here. Remember the novel “Susanna’s seven husbands by Ruskin Bond?” Remember no matter how hard the protagonist, Susanna tried, she would always find herself with the wrong partner.
So, whose fault was it? Can we say honestly that it was her fault? No, we can’t, because there was no fault of hers ever. All she wanted was to lead a normal life, and have a normal family and unfortunately was being let down every time. It was very late in her life when she realised that there was no external being actually who could fulfil her or bring happiness to her, as she was fulfilled in herself and she had the capability to be happy herself.
And she was, which was when she chose her seventh husband, who was none other than Jesus himself. In this case, I would say it is the Self, my Self which is mine and mine alone. I am that. It is the Self which makes me happy, jovial, confident and all-pervading Self. The Self is all my all favourite and the Self is all that I have.