Thanking The Rejections
Hello all! So here is one more blog from my end, when I get into the writing spree my fingers just won’t stop typing. I feel motivated and energised from within. So, yeah talking about the rejections and naysayers, initially, I used to get very irked with what they had to say, and would even wonder how could they discover the negative within every possibility!
But, now I guess as I have aged, I feel grateful to them. As Steve Jobs said, we cannot see the dots moving forwards but backwards. And, I have to say that it is a million-dollar statement which is true in every sense. When I try turning the pages of my life diary, I see that everything and everyone that disappeared from my life was only to make things better and stronger in the long run.
They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and I have seen how true the statement holds. There have been numerous times when I have been ridiculed for no reason, there were times when all the deals that were almost finalised were cancelled at the last moment, and lots of things like these, however, the not happening of all of these proved to be fruitful in the long run.
I can say that I have become a better, stronger and wiser person. And, in all those times there have been things that have been better multifold times in my case. Therefore, I can say that these naysayers and countless rejections have actually helped me in the long run.
In my case and talking from personal experience when anyone who is not subject to handling rejections faces one they tend to feel that the world around them is crushing down, they feel deserted, betrayed and whatnot. Still, I assure you everything becomes just as perfect in the long run.
And, when you kind of become a little mature you realise that everything happens for a reason and one that is beneficial to you undoubtedly. In one of the videos that I watched earlier, I saw that the speaker said that those who belong to this path of righteousness will always be taken care of.
Since this is a spiritual blog I will not shy away from saying that the speaker further said that whatever his devotee longs for will reach him, in fact, the Lord himself will bear it on his head and carry it for his devotee.
I woke up today with the same belief and promised myself that I will operate with the same belief. As Swami Vivekananda would say that we must always repeat to ourselves that “I have no fear, I have no fear.”
I add that all the strength that I look for outside lies here inside of me, why should I go to seek it outside? It is here lying inside of me, it is me. Read that again, and always remember that in all walks of life. I have tried to implement it in my life too and will continue doing so no matter what, this time I will not fumble, and my legs will not tremble.