Sorry, but Evernote Couldn’t Help me Out! Here’s Why!
A recent post on Medium read that it is imperative for writers to have an Evernote account. Quite inspired by it, I thought that life would be much easier, and definitely sorted with the same.
On a bright sunny morning, I decided to de-clutter and un-mess my scribbles and inappropriate doodles. And. I set my expectations very high and straight, while opening my Evernote account.
As this page popped up, I filled every detail with great excitement and zeal. I set up huge expectations for myself. Like completing 3 articles a day, running 3 kms daily and also trying a hand at baking, and also increasing my water intake …
The first day went well, just that I couldn’t run 3 kms, neither could I complete 3 articles, but I was hell bent planning my rest of the day with Evernote. The next day when I fancied trying a hand of taking up a month long challenge.
The initial days were really exciting. I did as promised, and honestly never felt so happy with myself. Waking up at 5am in a chilly winter morning seemed fun, but gradually from the eighth day onwards, it kind of resembled with ‘torture’. Please pardon my choice of language, but that is how it felt.
And writing 3 articles a day seemed more than just torture. I am obviously talking from the qualitative aspect. I certainly can’t stand a write up where ‘workaholic’ becomes ‘alcoholic’ and ‘affect’ becomes ‘effect’ (Experience matters you see. Learning from past mistakes.)
As usual, there was a conflict between the logical and the illogical mind. The logical one continuously urged me to stick to my writing quality. While the illogical mind still continued advocating for Evernote, I thought of thrashing out with my logical mind once and for all.
But, the statements it uttered in its defense could not be avoided. It said something like this, ‘Are you okay to put your reputation at stake, merely for some kidish app?’ Also, ‘Can you imagine the kind of frustration you would invite for yourself when you seen a decline in your quality of writing?’
Hmm. Quite so. Honestly, the worst thing to happen to me at present would be a faulty article. I couldn’t be so casual about myself and my writing. As this is one of those few areas where I hold myself truly accountable.
Now, talking of Evernote, if I am being upright,the app is beautifully designed, with some impeccable layout, and I have known people who have wonderfully welcomed Evernote in their lives. Sadly, for some reason it didn’t work out for me.
Maybe because I am still in awe of a life that would be absolutely spick and span. Maybe because I loathe seeing mess around me, but am secretly in love with it. Or maybe because I am perfectly imperfect.