Pointing Fingers
Hmm, well, I can safely state that this headline is pinpointing towards me, as I’d do so quite often. Now, that wouldn’t happen on the face, neither would I leave comments in the virtual medium stating that people need to buck up, but I’d think of that to myself and try keeping a tab. Wait, let me try giving examples.
So, this dear ex-colleague cum friend of mine had opened up this Yo0uTube channel where she’d be putting up recipes almost on a daily basis, and I’d have to concede that more than following her recipes, it’d be the frequency that I’d be after. Then again, there was this ex-boss of mine that had her own blog, and as much as I loved her writing, but I’d continuously keep a track of how often she published her articles, and then further judge why she wasn’t that frequent.
Now, the logical and considerate part of me said that they might have had problems, family office stress and the like, yet my dominating self kept arguing that they shouldn’t have started a blog in the first place if they couldn’t be frequent.
Now, quite uncannily when I try casting a look at my blog, I see that the last blog that I penned was on the 6th of July which technically means that I wrote nothing last week. And here I am ready with my list of unending excuses — to begin with, I can say that I wasn’t keeping too well mentally as I did have to deal with a lot of stress back home. Well, this part isn’t false. I did have a lot cooking last week, but since I was very tough on judging others, maybe I should judge myself too.
Yeah, there were problems, and I definitely hold no one responsible others than myself for this irresponsible behaviour of mine. As I write this, I say to myself that maybe and perhaps I should treat myself with a little more gentleness and care, as should I do with others. To begging with, I guess I must stop pointing fingers at others.