Nothingness And Nihilism: I Kinda Agree
Going by the clock, it’s accurately 6.10 am, and I consider myself as one of the luckiest souls that gets to witness the arrival of light, amid the backdrop of rain-soaked pebbles, and grasses that reflect themselves so vividly, perhaps welcoming the morning with heartiest greetings and salutations. The upper barks of the trees communicate with themselves, possibly asking about the gravity of their siesta, and the lower ones engage themselves in sheer protection. The valiant sky above, that just bears a tinge of white amid all the darkness is pouring continuously, as if on a mission to quench the thirst of all those that are thirsty…
The crow doesn’t miss its morning ritual and has been calling out ever since, perhaps that’s a way of expressing its ecstasy… Corona has temporarily managed to scare the fitness enthusiasts, thus humans aren’t an intrinsic part of the morning glory. Moreover, their presence or absence doesn’t seem to bother the trees, ,and the crow. Amid all this, I stand by my windowsill and just gaze. I gaze at the pouring sky above, that has turned fully white now, I gaze at the trees that have their abstract ways of greeting, and also strive to spot the crow that has been involved in continuous calling, now there are more. All of this leads me into a bizarre and uncanny state of nothingness, where I no longer feel the urge to contemplate life anymore…
I wouldn’t really know if nothingness and nihilism are correlated, yet both definitely bear a strong resemblance and there is some connect for sure. If the imagery bones can be allowed to stretch beyond the horizon, it would probably be noted and deciphered that both nothingness and nihilism are flag bearers of the colour green, the former a lighter shade perhaps, and the latter a darker one. In front of me, I can visualise an imaginary canvas with a colour palette that’s only filled with different shades of green. Secretly calculating as to whether or not, life would be unfolding such an opportunity, I make a giant leap and my ‘not so artsy’, crafty and creative bones do all the talking.
Taking a jibe at the darkest shade of green, the lightest green does the honours for me, followed by a slightly darker one, then a little darker than that, and ending with the darkest shade of green. The result? I know not, as it’s not a shape that can perhaps qualify as a square, an octagon or circle. The creation shows that everything is haywire, in the words of physics, there isn’t a linear or oscillatory motion. Yet, it’s there. Just there. Right there. Looking at it, I gauge whether adding red would make it look more lively, or would at least be symbolic of some principle. But, an inner voice seems to counter the thought and makes a strong valid point, where it places ‘nihilism’ and ‘nothingness’ on the brink, and that no other colour can express it better than green.
It’s 6.40 am by the watch now, the sky is completely white and blue, the trees aren’t nodding their heads anymore, but the crow keeps calling. Perhaps it’s hinting that I must gear up for my hustle for the day. And, I kind of agree.