Looking At The Mirror
I am sure a lot of you would be deterred by the headline itself. Must be like — “What? Entertaining the self? Well, that’s exactly what Netflix is for!” Sure, why not, believe me I felt likewise too until one day when I understood that no one in the world does owe you anything. However cruel it may sound, that’s the reality.
You got a great life, born to rich parents — amazing supremely happy for ya, but for others who are not so favoured have to deal with the tough ways of life. So, what do you do in this case? Travel the whole world with a begging bowl asking for peace and happiness? Sure, if you are lucky enough it’s achievable, but we all know that kinda of peace and happiness usually doesn’t last for a lifetime. Of the little and finite number of times you hit if off, you somehow are sure from the heart that this state isn’t going to last for long.
You know the saddest part is that most times you don’t know how to cope up with situations like these. You continue questioning yourself each time that how could you possibly have been so vulnerable? Why can’t you lift yourself up? Why is it that you keep walking into such traps that make you feel like a loser all over again when this time you thought that you were healed, and that you wouldn’t be broken?
Yet here you are! Lying in an ocean of self doubts and self loathing. Staying awake at 3 in the morning just to let yourself cry and then again waking up the next morning to shed tears not still knowing how to face problems and what new strategy you must adopt. Who do you seek for attention? Who is going to give you any advice? Aren’t all fighting the same battle? Also, even if they weren’t would they actually be so good as to care for you?
You, my dear are alone, absolutely alone in this naked earth, those that had made promises had already exited! So, pull yourself up dear girl, and look yourself into the mirror and you might discover one of the prettiest beings ever. Yourself!
Did you know you were this beautiful? This powerful? Has anyone ever said this to you before? Would you have believed them as you believe yourself now? Are you trying to soothe and apologise to yourself for having ignored yourself this long? Never mind — they say “Better late than never.”
Now that you’ve encountered the most important person of your life, remember to treat her with utmost respect, love and care. Remember to take her out for movies, dates, because we believe happiness ain’t that far!