Look At All The Abundance Around You
Hey there all my beautiful readers, how are you doing today? It’s wonderful out here, sure, I’d admit that it’s sultry but in reality, it’s the mindset that actually matters, right? And, today’s mindset will be abundant, as we will be talking of the concept of abundance around us.
Well, if you would remember the ancient saying when each time you would grumble and be grim, and say that all you need is some peace, meaning you are seeking someplace that will give you peace, and almost all of those times you would be directed to look within your own Self. Our ancient sages and wise men would say that peace is nowhere to be found outside, but it is right inside of us.
Those days, these things would take a lot of time to percolate inside, at least in my case, I’d wonder about things like how could anyone possibly compare our chaotic city lives with that of a mountain top, surely the mountain top would be more peaceful, right? Of course, there is no denying the fact that a mountaintop, a place of worship, is really a place of peace and calm, but all of that is for a limited period of time.
This means that when you come back home you still have to deal with your problems, be it personal, professional or economical. So, what could be a long-lasting solution to this? I mean, travelling to a secluded place or the mountaintop isn’t really feasible all the time, isn’t it?
So, the wise people read from our ancient scriptures and say that the mind and the inner self must be one which is calm, strong and peaceful. In today’s fast-paced lives, almost everyone is exposed to some kind of stress or other, but we cannot let ourselves be vulnerable in that case.
That is to say that we must not carry the stress along with us back home, we must be able to learn how to detach ourselves, and then we can function greatly. I understand that claiming all of this is easy, but its execution can be very difficult, but we gotta do what we got to do.
In my case personally, one of the things that I have tried to do is operate with an abundant mindset. I try visualising and telling my mind that I have enough for myself in fact I am enough. I imagine myself thinking and seeing that I am rich, not necessarily in terms of possessions or wealth, but rich from within.
One of the practices that I have indulged myself in is converting all kinds of negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones. Let’s be honest. Not everybody you meet or everywhere you go is going to be positive, so it is your responsibility to turn things into positivity.
I have kind of dared myself into thinking positively when all around me is negative, so far things have been great, and more than that I have tried and learnt to embrace this wholeness within me, and I realise that I am abundant.