Just Slow Down. Patience.
Does the headline sound too cliched? You might just be wondering if this blog might be an example of yet another piece of advice this midweek. But I ensure you, it’s not. This is a lesson that I learned recently and have been trying to inculcate ever since. Actually, I should call it a habbit.
Usually in our humdrum lives, when we can spot the slightest opportunity to perhaps shape our lives in a different way, we try to leap at it and leave no stone unturned. Perhaps even put in a lot of effort, but when we fail to get the desired results we tend to be shattered. And, that’s nothing unnatural.
Something similar happened to me too a few days back. It so happened that I was planning a change in my professional sphere and have been applying to multiple job opportunities rigorously. Not treating it as a hobby, every day I would dedicate a huge amount of time towards job searching, and those of you reading this blog would know how tiring can a job search get.
I’d keep on searching, applying, repeating only to be ghosted and rejected by recruiters. There was nothing happening at all on the positive front, and almost every day my inner voice would tell me that there was no point in applying for jobs, as I’d get ghosted again. And, looking at the current state of affairs that wasn’t absolutely wrong to say. I’d begin by sighing, gaining courage and then again getting ghosted eventually.
Just when I was about to lose heart again, I came across this wonderful write up with a headline that read “Just Be.” Even though it talked of meditation and several yoga practices, most importantly it mentioned that these days we are so accustomed to everything coming to us instantly, that we have just forgotten to wait. Of course, how true it is. We hardly have the patience to go to the kitchen, and make something nutritious, instead, we settle for instant noodles and keep making a habit out of it.
The same happens with texts, and relationships as well. We tend to over exert ourselves so much that we don’t realise how we are tiring ourselves in the process. The article mentioned that we have to continuously strive to develop this quality in us, which is patience and for sure, it will not happen overnight, but we will have to train our minds to cope with it, just for our sake and not anyone else’s. We have to understand that good things in life take time and we must allow things to develop at their own pace, organically.
I have decided that I am going to sit in front of my computer every morning, calm myself down, take a few deep breaths and then go on applying for my dream job. No matter how many times I get rejected, or ghosted I’m going to be consistent in this process of mine, and keep on doing it, without any expectations, without any disappointments, but with a lot of patience, and who knows this might help me carve a beautiful future for myself!
It’s been almost a week of practice and honestly, I have to say that I feel a lot lighter already from the inside. The rejections and ghostings still continue, but deep inside I have become stronger, patient and resilient. I understand that it’s too early to say this but I promise myself to lead this path and see for myself where it takes me from there. And, no matter how many times I flunk, I’ll dust myself up and walk by again. As they say “Failures are the pillars of success”. I believe it too.