Is this the best, a man can get?
The ad world had been buzzing with one word, rather a phrase of late. ‘The best men can be’. The Gillette folks redefined their 30 year old tagline — “The best a man can get.”
Honestly speaking, both in my personal and professional life, I came across many such encounters where men did something creepy, (Yes! Creepy is the word) and blatantly said, “Well! Men will be men!”
Now, what exactly does this statement mean? Like, you add up anonymous females on social media, and when the girl refuses to respond, she is called a slut. Or say, you make every effort to push your belly inside as she passes by; and when she doesn’t appreciate it, you start harassing her…
Is this really an emblem of masculinity?
I am afraid not!
Having said that, let me make one thing very clear. I am not a MISANDRIST. I don’t hate men. In fact, my best friend is a male. I enjoy confiding in him, feel relieved to share my stress, and also laugh to the core, at petty things. He doesn’t make me feel insecure, even by a thin margin. In fact, every little conversation with him, uplifts me.
With the recent #MeToo movement, things have progressed a lot. The accused have been terminated from their work place. Those at the top of the hierarchy were forced to resign, and some had to even bid goodbye to their promising careers. It seems the age old of mindset of people has finally changed. People have actually come up and been supportive.
And, there should be no going back.
Because, we women believe in the best of men. It is imperative to say the right thing, and act in the right way. Many of you already are, but the world requires more. Let’s teach our boys of today to act nobly, and think through their logical minds.
As, the boys watching today us will be the men of tomorrow.
And, I think…