I Conquered Darkness
Hello again, my dear readers. How are y’all holding up? TGIF and I am so happy to be writing this blog. Today I am here to narrate exploits of courage and determination, which normal people like us have showcased at regular intervals, knowingly or unknowingly. Maybe we didn’t make a big deal out of it, but we knew that at the end of fear always lies great times.
Perhaps explaining all of this with an anecdote would help. All throughout my life I have been scared of standing up for myself and voicing my opinions, and would avoid controversies at all levels. And, as you must have already understood by now, this approach of mine resulted in me being exploited at different levels.
Both professionally and personally. I would be bullied in all sectors. At work, I would never get any promotion, and my co-workers would take away all the credit, even though I would be the one burning the midnight oil. And, this practice continued for a very very long time. In my personal space, no one would appreciate my presence, and I would be a laughing stock in front of others.
I was severely bullied in school, and in college, just out of my goodness and because I could not speak for myself ever. Even the professors started believing these bullies and would try and put me down on regular occasions.
It felt like I was going through a very rough phase of my life, I wouldn’t want to leave my bed, wake up, or face them, like ever. But I had to. And this behaviour continued for days, weeks, months and years, with me becoming weaker, fragile and devastated.
I couldn’t bear this any longer, and one day just out of wrath, pain and fury tried yelling at these folks. I called them names and literally blasted in front of them. To my utmost surprise, they were absolutely taken aback and ran from there, and I gained great confidence.
At my workplace there used to be this woman who would initially try to torment me and dictate terms on me in a particular project. I would tell her that I don’t work well like that, but she wouldn’t budge. And, then finally I decided to take matters into my own hands and show her real place.
And, when I did she could run nowhere. All these incidents made me realise that we are far more powerful than we think, and no one else can pull us out of darkness, but ourselves. In my case, I chose to fight it out, address it, and eventually conquer it. And, look it worked out all fine.