How cute they look!
Watching Friends can Actually Boost Your Metabolism!
Another day. Another week. Another weekend.
Amid your laziness and hangovers, somehow you manage to churn out time for Netflix, or any other streaming channel that you prefer. Usually, my free time is spent scrolling through the news feed, picking up a novel or Netflix. Netflix keeps on popping up with notifications that stretch to impeccable English and Hindi content. Though I indulge in some quite often, but keep on coming back to Friends.
I read somewhere that watching Friends is actually good for your heart and that it oozes happiness. But, I have noticed an uncanny change in my inner health after watching Friends. Undoubtedly, I end up being happy and jovial, but also that my energy level increases invariably. Not that it's due to watching Friends only, I turn jovial after a run too, but that is far fetched sometimes. Also, you don't have the privilege to go for a run whenever you feel like.
But Friends, on the other hand comes with less conditions. You may watch it whenever you want to, on whichever screen; provided you have a subscription. There are other sites too that offer you a free trial, but am not quite sure of it.
So we were talking about Friends and the impact it is likely to create on our minds. Research states that physical and mental wellbeing is of utmost importance, and anything that lightens our mood should be prioritised.
I always ended up being happier and charged up after I watched an episode of Friends. I love the fact that 6 friends are always at each others company and all of them have each other's backs. Everyone has a solution to everything and they always end up being happier than the last time.