Hey Insecurity, I got Something For You!
Dear Insecurity,
Advance New Year greetings to you, because if you can fathom the seriousness of this letter, am sure our paths would never cross in 2019. My recapitulations tell me that you have been a major tormentor so far. Whether it was my looks, my outfit, or my skills, you always made me realise that I am incomplete. You compelled me to compare myself to my folks all the time. And, sometimes even imitate them. Like picking up their accent or checking into their favourite weekend outlets.
Let’s talk of Instagram filters. Initially, you suggested ‘Lark’, I was game, then you said, ‘Ludwig’ seemed better. ‘Gingham’ and ‘Walden’ followed eventually. Nothing seemed to satisfy you, you became aggressive with each passing day…
You deployed your authoritative techniques in my professional field too. While I was working with my team, you often attempted to ignite subtle feelings of emptiness and unhappiness in me, every time my fellow colleagues fared better. You whispered, “What if this guy hogs the limelight entirely? Where would that leave you?” Or sometimes, “Hey! What did you let your fellow team member address the session in front of your boss? How do you showcase your credit now? Oh my! What a shame!”
Even last weekend you literally turned me into an insomniac when I couldn’t stop thinking about the crop top ‘Aritry’ wore, and wondered if I would ever fit into it. You made me an insane over-thinker and a narcissist to certain extent. Things became so worse that I somehow, I felt lost. I was no longer my real self.
My conscience pricked, and I realised that this is it! I don’t think you can be a part of my life anymore. Now, my logical and optimistic side says, “IT’S OKAY TO POST A PICTURE ON INSTAGRAM WITHOUT A FILTER, IT’S OKAY IF I DON’T FIT INTO ‘ARITRY’S’ OUTFIT, AND IT’S OKAY IF MY FELLOW COLLEAGUE SCORES BETTER THAN ME… LASTLY, IT’S OKAY TO MOVE ON WITHOUT YOU!”
Adieu Mr. Insecurity!