More often than not, I can associate, rather identify myself as an ‘over thinker’. My friends have the same opinion too. For instance when my ‘Kohl’ finishes off, immediately panic attacks start pouring in. Well nothing urgent, but some speculations about the party I am about to attend a week from now. Also, on multiple occasions, I kind of try to anticipate whether my maid is going to come the next day, as she had left a little early the previous day.
Now, a nerd and an over thinker like me is talking about ‘Carpe Diem’ ING… How very paradoxical isn’t it? Sure, it is. But, once you embrace it, a dormant ecstatic feeling follows. And, you feel much relaxed.
Having said that, the method is difficult indeed. For sometime, you just can’t convince and later believe yourself, that you would be loosing out a little. Yet, once you fit into the shoes, you realise life isn’t as hard as you thought!
Last weekend, we went partying and had an amazing time gobbling Pastas, and shaking legs. The clock ticked fast, and it was midnight soon. The logical part of me said I should head straight back home.
Meantime, I could spot a rebellious inner voice — a kiddish, yet matured one, that was quiet for a very long time. It asked me to stay back, and enjoy the moment. Like ‘SEIZE THE MOMENT’ it wanted to say.
Yeah! No sooner did I say this, something magical happened. Like my surreal imageries suddenly started gaining ground. I could hear the DJ playing ‘Closer’ and for those brief seconds, everything seemed perfect. Rather picture perfect…
The no so appealing ‘Penne Pasta’ seemed to evoke something too. I think ‘it’ was elated to rediscover the child in me, that refused to decipher the complexities of life…
Ah! I missed mentioning the colourful lights, and their alluring shades. It turned green, then yellow. Pink and violet followed gradually…
And what was left was a plethora of thoughts. Thoughts that encouraged me to embrace the present moment, without regretting!