Empty Vessels Sound Much: Yay?
As a child while back in school, you must have heard this saying a dozen times. I remember this particularly because my English teacher particularly used this phrase with every third sentence especially everytime she spotted us indulging into some mischief.
Back then I couldn't decipher the underlying meaning lying within and what my English teacher muttered all the time. I think now, when I look around a little, I can somehow connect the dots and gain an understanding of what she wanted to say.
Call it coincidence or my misfortune that these days am really meeting people who are braggers by birth. Some say that within 3 years of them being in business, people have started noticing him so much, that Google recognises the0m as the best professional ever! Then there are nutcases where they talk and behave as if they own the entire universe.
The problem with people like me is that I have very little patience, to deal with people who come from the school of thought of not at all paying heed to what the other person has to say, and continue being the emperor in their self created empire. Things would be different if they had anything interesting to discuss about, but most of the times they would talk about such things that practically add no value to your life.
If I have to be brutally honest, I would love to express my wrath and say that possibly, there is this ‘insecurity’ factor that plays Cupid, and that it has occupied them completely. They’ve gotten to such an extent that they are hardly their real selves any longer. Time and again they prove that they not only are empty vessels, but clearly lack in self confidence too.
I recently watched a video where a woman was seen holding a 2000 rupee note on one hand, and a 2 rupee coin on the other. Later she released both of them, and said that the 2000 rupee note made no sound, but the coin on the other hand, fell on the ground with a huge sound. Then she mentioned about both their valuations. The one with a greater value
did not make noise, but the one with a lesser value made a hell lot of noise.
I brooded over the video for quite some time. I really did help me gain a clear perspective. Also, as I write this I realise how correct my English teacher was, when she called us ‘empty vessels’. And really empty vessels do sound much!