Embracing Stoicism

Gairika Mitra
3 min readMay 2, 2023


Hey there my dear friends, how is everything going on with y’all? It’s a bright and motivational Tuesday here and I feel really energised to start the day and dive deep into my chores. Now, the question is do I absolutely have to? You bet. And, do I feel like doing it? Hell no.

So, what choice do I have? Just procrastinate and let it all go or do all that’s needed to be done? As you might have guessed already, (and that is what the blog is also about), I chose the latter. Do I enjoy doing all of this or embracing this kind of philosophy? Absolutely not, I would even concede that it is like a constant throbbing pain, one that does not go away easily and keeps pinching you at every short interval.

But, you are so driven from the inside and absolutely bereft of emotions then you kind of become invincible within so much so that nothing seems to deter you and you are unaffected by circumstances and do what you have to do regardless. It has been a few days of me practising stoicism and I can say that I have been feeling relieved on several occasions.

Well, it may be said that I do not tend to freak out as much as I would do before, failures do not really cause heartaches, and no matter how miserable I am feeling, I have been training my mind and body to get going with full fervour the very next day, if not the next moment.

Courtesy: Pixabay

I would like to cite the reference to the Bhagavad Gita here and mention that Bhagawan Shree Krishna talked about the ideal person, called Sthitapragnya in Sanskrit and mentioned him to be a person who is unaffected by happiness or sorrow, in fact, he treats the ups and downs of his life just like summer and winter seasons and does what he has to do.

In the early days, there were kings like Marcus Aurelius who were huge advocates of stoicism and led their lives and ruled kingdoms with this philosophy, and none of us can say that he was an unworthy king, otherwise, we wouldn’t be citing his example.

Talking about me, I safely conclude that my life has actually gotten better, and like I mentioned previously that I do not freak out, and heartbreaks do not scare me anymore, in fact, stoicism has given me a channel via which I can reconnect with my inner Self. The Self, which is the all-powerful, fearless, and peaceful one.

I’d like to end this blog with an anecdote from my life this morning. I am often down with allergies and have to pop anti-allergics frequently, and those make me really drowsy and the same happened today. My alarm bell rang and instead of hitting snooze I woke up drowsily and began working out. Believe me, my lungs were screaming, and my body wasn’t cooperating, but I did so anyway, and here we are.

In conclusion, I would say that embracing stoicism has worked wonders for me, and I am sure it will for you too.



Gairika Mitra
Gairika Mitra

Written by Gairika Mitra

A writer embarking onto a journey into spirituality, it has literally changed my life overnight! I write twice a week and would love to keep y’all abreast.

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