Beginning The Day
Hello folks! A very good morning/day/afternoon to one and all, depending on the time you are reading this. For me, it’s still morning and precisely around 20 minutes to go for my day to begin at the office. Now, truth to be told I am quite deterred today, which is quite unlike me, as usually I am not like this and I try to face every challenge with firm valour.
But this sense of fear invoked in me yesterday when I was attempting a task of mine, basically where I had to write an article based on a panel discussion that encircled around speakers from Australia, Singapore and Malaysia. And I am sure all of us would agree that their accents are a lot different from the way we speak, making things very complicated for me. More so, because the organisation that I work with requires things to be perfect, so you cannot miss out on things.
I’d face these kinds of problems in my initial days too and would be ridiculed publicly quite a lot of times and no matter how hard I’d try, I’d always falter at something or the other. My senior suggested an app that’ll help me avoid such problems and all this while things were going quite smoothly, until yesterday when I discovered that the app itself would record in bits and pieces, as it wouldn’t catch the accent of the interviewees.
Now, how horrifying could things get? I was and still am fighting internally, without having any inkling of how to solve the situation, rather manage it. To be honest, I spent the entire afternoon yesterday fretting over it and not arriving at a specific conclusion. This morning too, I began with similar pain and was on the verge of a breakdown (being too efficient can be a pain sometimes), when I discovered that I would have to address this and do something about it.
I dusted myself up, lifted some weights, took a shower and decided to give it a shot and make sure that all my problems are taken care of, and before the attempt I decided to blog about it, share my journey with y’all, my dear readers and set off for my voyage.
I hope I can swim to the other shore safely and soon enough! And I need your best wishes.