A Month Without Netflix…
For most of you, the headlines seems tantalizing, rather intimidating, right? Well, truth to be told, I myself could never imagine such a day to arrive in my life, where I would live an entire month without Netflix.
Before I get to the consequences of it, let me reveal the reason. It so happened that at the beginning of the month, I forgot to recharge my Jio sim and later on became so engrossed with work, that only a week was left for the next month. Though, I am terrible at managing my finances, and am alien to the word ‘savings’; yet for a change I thought I would survive my remaining days without Jio’s 4G connection.
Phew! It’s easier said than done.
In my case at least…
During the initial days, I could feel a strange void. All of a sudden, everything around me seemed so empty… The emptiness gained momentum during my travel and post work hours. It didn’t take too long to identify this emptiness though. Undoubtedly, it was the ‘Netflix’ void — a platform that gently nudges you to binge watch.
Am sure a lot of you would agree with this binge watching thing. It’s like an addiction, one that doesn’t leave, also one that reminds you that you have got each others’ back always, mostly during difficult times. My kind of binge watching is not only restricted to Netflix Originals, but also movies (most of them I watched already). For instance, the other day I was re-watching Tom Hanks’s ‘The Da Vinci Code’, and without my knowledge I got transported to the Italian land, where the polymath (Da Vinci) lived. It felt wonderful. Like, firstly deciphering the codes of Da Vinci, and then decoding it! I watched it with all my might and content, even didn’t miss on the titles after the film ended. Just then Netflix popped up with ‘Angels and Demons’; I went for that as well, within a span of 7 minutes.
By now, am sure you can fathom my obsession with Netflix originals. I don’t hate to concede or portray this vulnerable side of mine. At present, I can’t think of one show that I haven’t binged watched. ‘Breaking Bad’, ‘Narcos’, ‘Lucifer’, ‘ 13 Reasons Why’, ‘Black Mirror’, ‘Money Heist’? Nope. Couldn’t think of none. They all made it to worth my ‘Netflix’ time!
And now am here. Typing and narrating my horrendous experience without Netflix. But, as I say this, you know, I can feel a subtle joy from within. I can’t explain the feelings per se in words. But I can say that, the joy is dormant, a petty one, yet with a lot of vigor and self respect. Perhaps it is because a part of me still clings to its ethical side of not surrendering before the glamorous…
While I dug deeper, I could decipher that this side has been calling out to me everytime; sometimes at frequent intervals. Maybe I was too busy to listen to its cries, and thought of nullifying it there and then.
Today being 27th, leaves only a day to go for the next month. Would this time be as difficult as the last one? I guess no!